Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to obtain custody of a child in Virginia ...

Neither the mother nor the father is a preferred treatment by the courts of Virginia in the case of child care. ... .A judge will decide custody for the best interests of the child. ... .Questions wishes are taken into account mental and physical abilities of each parent, financial resources, the maturity level of each parent and the child. ... .In production for sole custody means that you have custody of the child on a full time basis and be able to do all decisions regarding the child without the contribution of the other make parent.Difficulty ".. .. Petition for sole custody "a ModerateInstructions1File. .File the petition with the Court Services Unit Youth and Domestic Relations Court in the county where the child lives. ... .You must know the full name of the child, date of birth, social security number and full address. ... .In addition, all other documents to bring about the child as the child custody and child support orders in court, pending the child care agreements between you and the other parent or court case documents .0.2 Pay the registration fee of $ 2,010 25 in .bar. .Check or money order. ... .Deposition of an "Affidavit in support of the application procedure in cases where custody or access rights without payment of filing," fee.3Have when you are not served with the other parent to pay. Papers childcare. ... .You can control the other party in three ways. A deputy sheriff personally hand can deliver court documents to another party, you can give a family member over 16 years, or by mail the documents to the door. .residence to hear the other party and copies of letters and documents of first-class first mail.4Attend custody. ... .can visit the judge you and the other parent to parent education classes, go to mediation, an agreement on temporary custody of children, appointed a guardian for your child, or. for you and the other parent to have psychological problems. .Tests. ... .This hearing is a precursor of the actual detention of children who hearing.5Go within three months after the first attempt instead. ... .Please bring proof that the reasons why you should get sole custody. ... .Bring witnesses to support your cause. ... .Also bring a detailed plan, the visits should be the other parent. ... .The judge will witness and evidence, listen to both you and the other parent and decide who will be granted sole custody ....

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