Friday, April 8, 2011

California agreements, custody of children ...

An agreement in California determines which parent has legal custody of children (n) will have legal and physical custody of children after divorce. ... .The most important factor in creating the care plan is in the best interest of the child. ... .The court makes the final decision on custody, but he generally approves the plan, if the parents have reached an agreement. ... .Parents who are struggling to meet a plan with a broker to agree to resolve their dispute. ... .CustodyLegal custody of a child refers to the authority of the parent (s) take to make important decisions for the child. ... .These decisions are usually live in the context of education and child care, religious activities, medical care, travel, recreation, and where the child is. ... .Parents, joint custody of their responsibility to make such decisions to share. ... .If one parent has sole custody, he is empowered to make decisions without consulting the other parent.Physical CustodyPhysical custody of a child refers to an arrangement of a child's life. ... .If parents have joint custody, the child regularly spends time living with both parents. ... .The time the child spends with each parent by the agreement provides to the filing and may not be the same. ... .If one parent has custody of the child, the child is living with the parent. ... .The other parent is typically reported rights.VisitationWhen visit the child lives with one parent less than half the time, a visit plan developed to ensure that parents spend time with the child. ... .A detailed plan reduces conflict and to avoid any confusion for the child. ... .Where the safety of children is an issue, the court supervised visitation and requires the presence of a third party during the visits, or no visits. ... .Under certain circumstances, the grandparents of the child, the visits in the plan.ProceduresParents agree on the issues of custody and visitation rights are involved informally meet to create a parenting plan. ... .The plan is attached to the documents of the resolution, and if it is approved by the court for an injunction. ... .If the parents agree, they meet a court mediator to help create a plan. ... .If they do not reach an agreement, the court will decide. ... .Orders for custody and visitation rights can be amended only by a judge order.ConsiderationsThe court to the welfare of the child when deciding custody and visitation, child health, safety covers look. And general welfare. ... .In addition to factors such as age and the child's emotional attachment to their parents, according to the judge that the whole history of abuse or domestic violence. ... .The judge must also take into account the preferences of children who are old enough to speak to their needs and demonstrate the ability to reason are ....

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